March 31, 2025

Ft. Hood Kids Get An Early Christmas-The Book Fair


My hometown Ft. Hood has 214,000 acres and roughly 40,000 people which makes it one of, if not the largest military base in the free world. This month the students at Iduma Elementary School had the opportunity to go to the book fair and choose a book of their choice from the scholastic book fair.

It warms my heart to see these children at this particular age have the resources, to feed their curiosity in learning. With many of our military families living at or below the poverty line, events such as scholastic book fairs may seem unreasonable for some families. The Accumulative Advantage Foundation was founded to celebrate military members and their families to fill these types of voids. As always we teamed up with some sponsors to get the job done! I want to say a big thank you to:

Ben Alaalatoa, Tina Capito, Merle Miller, Dustin Surber, and Sonya Shelly

for their donations which brightened the days of these students. It oddest take thousands of dollars to create change, a few dollars can go a long way. As the parents of the Iduma elementary serve our country it is important that we take care of their children. All children deserve to feel special! As I’ve been saying with the example of our football camps, only together can we make real change

I think it’s important we recognize those individuals who took a moment to donate a few dollars to spark possibly an interest of a lifetime in reading. 

-Roy Miller III

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