February 14, 2025

AAF Co-Founder: Juaquin Iglesias’ Blog: Coaching The Freshman All-American Game

Juaquin Helping change lives

Last week, I had the opportunity to coach The High School Freshman All-Americans in San Antonio. They all were hand picked by a staff of scouts. These young players are from all over the country. Many of them already ha

ve college offers and destined to be invited back to the Army All-American game three years from now.

I was given the opportunity to coach these young men by David White. David coached at the University of Oklahoma while I was playing there from 2005-2008. He offered me this opportunity and I jumped all over it because I love working with kids.

I remember being these kids age and remembered people trying to tear me down about statistics and how only so many people make it to the NFL. Those people who told me those things have stuck with me ever and motivated me ever since. Instead of harping on the negative, I choose to be the positive inspiration with each and every kid I am able to reach. Although I know statistics to have a lot of truth behind them I still would rather tell young kids that they can be anything they want to be with Hard Work, Respect, and Kindness!!!

The simple reason why I wanted to coach these young players this past week was to build relationships with them. I gave each player my contact information and hope to help them grow for years to come not only on the football field but in everyday life as well.


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